Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bara’s DEO arrested for accepting bribe

Dec 8, 2015- Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA)’s Hetauda regional office arrested Bara District Education Officer Tualaram Bhandari on Tuesday. He was caught red handed from a hotel in Simara.
According to CIAA official Narendra Prasad Bhattarai, Bhandari was accepting bribe from Bhawani Subedi, a teacher at Shanti Primary School situated in Gadhimai-16. Bhandari promised to release Subedi’s salary in exchange for Rs 10,000 bribe money.
Bhattarai informed DEO Bhandari will be sent to Kathmandu for further investigation.
Meanwhile, Bhandari’s sources claimed he has been falsely entrapped to vent personal ire with him.

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