Sunday, December 6, 2015


Dec 7, 2015- Police have raided Amar Gas Factory at Gadhimai-5, Lalka Bridge in Jitpur, Bara, on Saturday night for black marketeering.  Following the raid, police has taken 80 sealed gas cylinders, a tractor and its driver in the custody at Simara Police Station.
Police Inspector Puroshottam Khadka informed that the tractor Na 4 Ta 1951 was secretly heading to Birgunj with 20 sealed gas cylinders. Police had found out that more cylinders were hidden in the factory after they captured Gadhimai municipality resident 28-year-old  driver Sanjaya Patel and interrogated him.
Police have captured 60 gas cylinders along with the company staff Batanaha-4 resident Rabindra Das.
“It has been found out that the cylinders were hidden under the instruction of factory owner Ghanshyam Kyal. So, the case of black marketeering will be filed against the owner, the company, the staffs and even the driver,” Inspector Khadka said, “ Further investigations are being carried out about the incident.”
However, the factory has claimed that they are being pushed into conspiracy.

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